Art materials, Art Tutorials

Full tutorial – Seascape with Daniel Smith paints

Hello, I am still testing the Daniel Smith gouache paints I reviewed last month.The pigments and their characteristics are the same as they are in watercolours, but I am not a gouache painter, so I am exploring techniques that are unfamiliar to me, which I find very interesting and also a lot of fun. One… Continue reading Full tutorial – Seascape with Daniel Smith paints

Art materials, Painting, Reviews and Tests

Daniel Smith gouache test and review

Hello everyone,Have you ever tried gouache?Last time I did was many years ago and I wasn’t that impressed. The opaque medium seemed to kill the pigment saturation and I missed the watercolour glow.When Daniel Smith offered to send me some gouache paints to test and review, I was in the middle of a Patreon project… Continue reading Daniel Smith gouache test and review