Art materials, Painting, Reviews and Tests

Daniel Smith gouache test and review

Hello everyone,Have you ever tried gouache?Last time I did was many years ago and I wasn’t that impressed. The opaque medium seemed to kill the pigment saturation and I missed the watercolour glow.When Daniel Smith offered to send me some gouache paints to test and review, I was in the middle of a Patreon project… Continue reading Daniel Smith gouache test and review

Art materials, Reviews and Tests

Panart 1102 and 1122 watercolour brushes – Test and review

Hello, Who doesn't like a new paintbrush? Especially when it looks this good…The Panart 1102 (round brush) and 1122 (flat brush) watercolour brushes are probably the most handsome brushes I have ever seen… but does their performance match their good looks? I tested the brushes on a real painting, using wet-on-wet and dry brush techniques,… Continue reading Panart 1102 and 1122 watercolour brushes – Test and review

Art materials, Colour, News 2023, Reviews and Tests, YouTube Channel

The official Daniel Smith Sandrine Maugy Palette

Hi everyone, Today I am posting something that means a lot to me: Daniel Smith have released the Sandrine Maugy palette, in the form of one of their dot cards! As you know by now, Daniel Smith is my favourite paint brand. I love their choices of pigments, the fact that most of their paints… Continue reading The official Daniel Smith Sandrine Maugy Palette

Art materials, Colour, Painting, Pigment Spotlight, Reviews and Tests

Daniel Smith Quinacridone Coral: review, test, mixes and tutorial

Hello, Well, it's been a while... I have been so busy with making contents for Patreon that I have been neglecting my website and my YouTube channel a little this year... I have lots of exciting news though, so you will hear from me a few times in the not-too-far future... For now, here is… Continue reading Daniel Smith Quinacridone Coral: review, test, mixes and tutorial

Art materials, Colour, Pigment Spotlight, Reviews and Tests

Did I mention how much I like Daniel Smith Moonglow?

I probably did... Moonglow is a ready-made grey by Daniel Smith. I am not generally fond of ready-made greys because they are often made of a black pigment mixed with something else to soften the colour. Moonglow is different: the grey is obtained not by using a black as a base, but by mixing three… Continue reading Did I mention how much I like Daniel Smith Moonglow?